
About Roman

For me, design is everything in general - and everything in particular. It doesn’t stop at the look or the feel - at the façade of a building or the vibe of an interior. In fact, it doesn’t stop at all.

Design is not just about how something looks in a picture or when it’s brand new - it’s about how things function - and the way things function changes all the time.

Yesterday you had to know your masonry. Today you have to know your smart homes. And you have to be prepared for what you’ll need to know tomorrow.

I work faster than most people in my profession, because when I imagine a space or a building, I’m already imagining a space that works - from optics to electrical systems to the physics of construction materials.

Surprises shouldn’t happen in the middle of production when a contractor discovers something a designer hadn’t thought about. I make it my business to understand how every detail works, so that the only surprise is a result that takes my client’s breath away.

Understanding every detail means thinking constantly about the life cycle of things. They will mature and age. They will break. They will get knocked down and pick themselves back up. That’s life. It is the most beautifully designed thing we know - and it is my teacher.

For me, every assignment is a gift. Working with every client is a lesson about life and the strange, wonderful journey we are on together.

I look forward to our encounter.

In different styles

He works fluidly in different styles from modern apartments in Miami, and traditional homes in Moscow, to glamorous nightclubs. He can do this because he understands the classic proportions that underpin all architecture.




Wood. Glass. Metal

Favorite materials to create

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He works fluidly in different styles from modern apartments in Miami, and traditional homes in Moscow, to glamorous nightclubs. He can do this because he understands the classic proportions that underpin all architecture.

Текст про materials
He works fluidly in different styles from modern apartments in Miami, and traditional homes in Moscow, to glamorous nightclubs. He can do this because he understands the classic proportions that underpin all architecture.

If you`re designer

You`re designer in everything